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Reasons and solutions for the gear reducer motor gear not rotating


I. Cause analysis:

1. Too much gear friction: It may be caused by poor lubrication between the gear and the bearing, or wear on the gear surface. This will prevent the gear from transmitting power smoothly when the motor rotates, resulting in poor rotation.
2. Too much gear clearance: If the gear clearance exceeds the design requirements, there will be problems with the matching between the gears when the motor rotates, resulting in poor rotation.
3. Motor failure: There are problems with the motor itself, such as winding short circuit, bearing damage, etc., which will affect the normal operation of the motor, and then cause the gear of the gear reducer to not rotate.

II. Solution:

1. Check the lubrication: First, check the lubrication between the gear and the bearing. If poor lubrication or severe wear on the gear surface is found, add an appropriate amount of lubricant in time and replace the damaged gear.
2. Adjust the gear clearance: If the gear clearance is found to be too large, the problem can be solved by adjusting the position of the gear or replacing the gear of the appropriate size.
3. Repair the motor: If the problem is still not solved after the above steps, the motor needs to be repaired. Check whether the motor winding has short circuit and whether the bearing is damaged. If there is any problem, it should be repaired or replaced in time.

III. Preventive measures:

1. Regular maintenance: Regularly maintain the gear reducer, including cleaning and lubrication. This can reduce the possibility of gear surface wear and ensure its normal operation.

2. Choose high-quality products: When purchasing a gear reducer, choose products with good quality and reliability to avoid the situation where the gear does not rotate due to product quality problems.