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What kind of oil should be added to the motor reducer?

It is a normal job to refuel the planetary gear reducer. The machine will be sluggish during use. At this time, it is essential to add suitable oil to the machine for roller skating. If the oil is not refueled correctly, it will cause the machine to heat up and even cause the machine to be scrapped. Serious problem, you must know that different types of reducers need to add different roller oils.
Generally speaking, lithium-based grease is added to small reducers; worm oil is added to worm gear reducers; for vertical reducers, oil is usually added at the upper end. If a large reducer needs to add an oil pump to ensure that the machine can Full contact lubricating oil.

When adding lubricating oil, how to add oil and how much? It is also a question asked by many people. Usually, the decelerator will have a refueling port, and the refueling position line will be marked on the refueling position. Be sure to unscrew the vent hole. In addition, as to where to refuel, it is usually to fill up the oil cup or oil window.
However, the number of refueling should not be too frequent. It depends on the operation of the machine. In addition, after the machine has been running for a while, pay attention to whether the oil is dirty. If there are impurities, it is recommended to change the oil. Machine life is beneficial.